From Cindy Tumiel in San Antonio comes this Sunday morning message.
Don't know if you check your DMN e-mail over the weekend but I just gotta tell somebody and I thought you'd like to know....Texas Keeshond Rescue got Jewel back this morning. I don't have the latest details yet but will get Diana Poulson to include you when she fills the rest of us in.
"What I can tell you - Diana got a call Thursday from a woman who lives in the rural area west of Denton. She said a dog had taken up residence in her back pasture about a week earlier and the dog matched the description of Jewel we had been pasting on every telephone pole and mailbox and convenience store around there. The dog wouldn't approach people but would join her dogs on her porch most nights. She managed to get a picture for us the next day, and it was indeed our wandering and resourceful keeshond. Jewel had found herself a source of food, water, shelter and canine companionship and was making herself at home on the lam.
"Diana and her daughter, Diana Nicole, went out to the property on Saturday with an incredible search dog named Kodiak and his handler. They tracked and spied Jewel and figured out where she was living - under an old, overturned pickup truck bed behind a barn. They almost caught her but she slipped away through a hole in a fence and ran off into a field full of high grass and weeds. So the search party returned at dawn today with a better plan, since they knew where Jewel was hanging out.
"Like I said, I don't have details on how it all went down. But when I checked e-mail this morning, there was a happy dispatch from Diana's hubbie, William, with the bulletin - Jewel was safely back in the arms of rescue.
Today marks exactly two weeks since she slipped her collar during transport from out of state.
I'll get Diana to send you the details. We've got lots of people to thank, including all the people who kept watch for our girl and kept her in their prayers."
Isn't that GREAT news. So, in case you're interested in helping this group's favorite breed, reach Texas Keeshond Rescue at .