Ah, as my pollen-stricken nose can report, it is springtime for sure. And I'm about to take a quick day-long road trip into West Texas and along the way I anticipate snapping some photos of bluebonnets. If there are bluebonnets, it must be spring.
Yesterday, I stopped into my neighborhood filling station to buy a lotto ticket -- if I win, I may be able to buy gasoline next week. As I was finishing my transaction, a guy came rushing in with a gasoline can and says to the clerk something like, "I'm about to mow the grass. Y'all got any Benadryl."
Ah, yes, springtime in Texas -- freshly cut grass and allergy pills.
GOOD NEWS: Joelle Sambola sends great news from Waco. Wally Swanson, the guru of Camp Wolfgang, has claimed Wind the Wolfdog from the Waco Humane Society Animal Shelter and saved the critter's life.
From all we've heard, this took some sincere negotiating. It's good to know that there are reprieves in this world.
Take a look at the Camp Wolfgang web site, www.campwolfgang.org. And send Wally Swanson a thank-you note. And e-mail one to [email protected] -- Joelle made a lot of good noise to save this animal.
STORM THE LEGISLATURE! Well, not really, but animal people do need to make some noise to show how serious Texans are about protecting animals.
The Texas Humane Legislative Network has declared an action alert because House Bill 326 is scheduled for public hearing at 8 a.m. Tuesday, March 29, before the House Agriculture and Livestock Committee. (Other info is available at www.thln.com.)
Remember, a big crowd of "just plain folks" can make a difference in a politician's mind.
If enough people show up to support this anti-cruelty bill, that may help keep it from dying in committee for this session. If you can't make the hearing, send a letter -- the addresses of the committee members are at http://www.thln.com .
Some of the people on the committee are from farm and ranch country and their constituents are afraid the law will affect the way they do business, thus cut into their profits.
The intent of this law, however, is to keep idiots from doing ugly things to animals -- torture, neglect, etc. It's not aimed at farmers and ranchers.
It's aimed at the defective humans who do disgusting things such as drown kittens, bury puppies alive, toss dogs out of cars, etc. You know, those upstanding citizens -- aren't they swell? I say it's time to fit 'em for jailhouse jumpsuits.