EDITION OF TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 (PetPowellPress) -- We’re dedicating our September 1 edition to senior animals.
Why? Because my grandson, Connor “Crash” Powell, turns 12 today. He’s a cool dude with a couple of dog pals, Buford the Basset and Clive Bixby the Chocolate Lab. And he has older sisters, Hannah Rose and Emily Grace, also pals of the pups. In honor of that bunch and Crash’s birthday, we’re focusing on older animals. We’ll also be doing some contemplating later today.
Just for grins I clicked on the adoption list at Dallas Animal Services. Those folks rarely have a day when someone’s not up for adoption. I’ve been writing about ‘em for three decades and can’t remember a day, but I might have missed a miracle moment at some point. Anyway, this is Ike, also #A906222. He’s a neutered fellow, orange and white and the shelter thinks he might be about 11 years old. He’s been there since Saturday. [LARRY PHILOSOPHICAL ASIDE: Good time for a quote from Socrates: “The secret of happiness is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy cats.” Just fyi: Some may dispute this translation from the original Greek.] To see how to adopt Ike, go to dallasanimalservices.org or call 214-570-8246.
In the meantime, we checked on the DAS Facebook site to see if anybody was bragging about the weekend adoption activity at the Everyday Adoption Center at the Coit Road PetSmart. Sure enough, 121 adoptions over the weekend.
[LARRY ASIDE: You wouldn’t think there’d be 121 unwanted animals in Dallas, would you? After all the city’s population is 1.2 million. So 121 is what percentage of 1.2 million? Relax, I know that about half of that 1.2 million already have dogs and cats.]
Here you see a pair of senior dogs.
And, of course, if you mention Burns Flat, Okla., and two unwanted senior dogs, well, the next words are just about always “reliable and resilient rescuer Terry Lynn Fisher.”
Terry Lynn got a photo of two dogs that were picked up. “They were taken to a pound near me, which in my opinion, is one of the worst hell holes I have ever seen. Tick infested; most never make it out alive.
“They belonged to an elderly lady, who in her own way, loved them very much.... however, she allowed them to breed for years, having two litters a year. Last month, she passed away, and her daughter tried to find homes for these two... When nobody offered, she dumped them in hell. They totally shut down. They would not even look at anyone. huddled together, they were terrified. the smaller one has very little teeth and her tongue hangs out of her sweet little mouth.
“I could not stand it... looking at them laying on that hard, concrete floor hurt me so bad..... so, I pulled them... I have a friend who is keeping them for a week, until my vet gets back into town, where I will take them to see what needs done... I know there are rotten teeth and some other issues... and I want to make sure there are NEVER ANY MORE BABIES.”
Terry Lynn will need help with this. Email her at [email protected] .
You may recall we mentioned Amy Poskey’s efforts to find a place to foster Denton Animal Shelter cutie-pie Shiner.
As you can tell from these photos, things have worked out.
Amy writes, “Shiner has already made himself comfortable in his foster home and is playing with his new pooch friends as we speak! Check out his freedom pic attached (left pic)!”
He’s currently in the care of Cody’s Friends Rescue and Tina Austin. You can donate to help offset Shiner’s expenses by going to the Cody’s Friends site HERE.
Be kind of nice for this totally cute rascal to get a good -- or even the role of Sandy the Dog in a production of Annie!
Amy and I pondered, by the way, how a great dog like Shiner could wind up unwanted. It’s a mystery to both of us. And Amy said something that I know a bunch of you will agree with: “I wish more people loved the seniors as much as I do!”
(Google the Denton Animal Shelter and find a new friend. They've got a pretty good inventory in that hustling shelter.)
She’s 8 years old and she’s hit a bad spot, no fault of her own.
She’s been in a foster home after her human was diagnosed with a wretched illness and can no longer care for her beloved Coco.
Some good folks took the dog in -- Coco is “wonderful with children and other dogs but does not like cats.”
No luck finding her a home and her dislike of cats is not playing well in the household that has a cat among its critter population. (To ask about helping Coco, call 214-799-7513.)
CONTEMPLATIONS: One of the stories simmering on the news stove these days is the selection of a prominent woman to appear on the country’s redesigned twenty-dollar bill. Supposed to come to a boil by the end of the year. Currently the U.S. $20 has a picture of President Andrew Jackson -- some Texans will recall that one of our heroes of the Alamo, former U.S. Congressman David Crockett, was an opponent of President Jackson’s handling of Native Americans, though Jackson had some good points, too, the historians say. Now, we bring this up to mention one of the nominees for the U.S. $20 picture: Barbara McClintock, a genetics researcher who made such dramatic discoveries about chromosomes and genes that what she discovered way back in the earlier part of the 20th century may be beneficially affecting today’s cancer research. There’s even a website for her: http://www.barbaraonthebill.com . You ought to read about her -- she was remarkable. ... In case you wondered, summer ends on September 23. The State Fair of Texas starts on the 25th. Temps in the 60s so you can enjoy a deep-fried hot toddy on the Midway. Probably temps in the 90s, if the past is an indicator. ... Back to the birthday boy Conner “Crash” Powell. He is my favorite grandson. Only one, actually. But he’s a hoot of a guy and to make sure you know how fortunate my funspouse Martha and I are to be linked to these three. Here are some photos. That’s Hannah Rose in the mugshot. The two kids in the rain are Crash and his sister Emily Grace. There’s a family shot last Christmas with Bart, Erinn and the kids -- that Erinn has one of those light-up-the-frame smiles. So, in summation, Buford and Bixby have trained the whole bunch quite well.
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