You’ve noticed, no doubt, that black and white photo of a stormy night during which the moon was making an appearance over a usually quiet neighborhood in Oak Cliff. Yeah, it’s not black and white. See the red tail light?
This was, indeed, a dark and stormy night earlier in the week.
In our house, the animals sleep through storms sometimes.
For example, here are a couple of photos of The Senator in the spotlight of Let Sleeping Dogs Lie & Napping Cats Nap.
In the one photo, he is on the arm of our Dog ‘n’ Cat Chair. You’ll notice the evidence that we don’t de-claw cats. We get cheap furniture so they can practice their shredding maneuvers. Of course, we'd get cheap furniture even if we didn't have dogs and cats. We prefer to spend our money on jewelry and the stock market -- yes, I am kidding.
We are beginning to think The Senator is an intellectual. You can see he’s right next to my desk on a TV tray I set up for him as a sleeping platform.
He’s sleeping atop a catalog of “The Great Courses.”
I thought the Great Course was desert, but this catalog has stuff for learnin’.
The Senator thinks if he sleeps on something he owns it -- that’s the way it worked with me. Flopped down on me, started purring, went to sleep and owned me.
He also sits in my lap when I’m writing. If something I write doesn’t charm him, he bites my hands. I don’t understand his behavior. But I accept it. And I usually delete what he’s just read and I start over. As cat people know, every cat’s a critic.
[Remember, readlarrypowell publishes photos of slumbering critters as an inspiration for insomniacs and, also, as an opportunity for people to show off their dogs, cats, etc. Send you photos and info to [email protected]. We’ll be happy to publish the photos and let you brag on the household critters. has been publishing this weekend feature since May 14, 2005. In all that time, we've never seen a slumbering critter who wasn’t loved by the person with the camera. They why they can sleep without fear. Now. Maybe their live weren't always like that. But someone with a camera gave them a place to feel safe.]
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