EDITION OF WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2017 (PetPowellPress) -- First full day of summer. Anybody else need a sweater this morning? Now, shivers aside, lets move into the day’s report.
Texas Humane Legislation Network has posted a roundup of the way things went for animals in the Texas Legislature -- and it even mentions a tender moment in the history of North Texas animal advocacy: the day Gov. Rick Perry signed the “Loco Law.” The sweet pup Loco was blinded by someone and left on his human’s porch. Loco became a great symbol for animal advocacy.
In its summation of the 85th Lege’s work, THLN’s story reads, “After a decade and a half of insufficient penalties, we have now right-sized the punishment and have confidence this will provide prosecutors with the law they need to bring justice to these voiceless victims.”
Go figure. Is there an outbreak of unwanted “Black Mouth Cur/Lab Mixes"? Here’s what we’ve seen:
DENTON’S PATTY -- Patty is in Denton, a stray found by someone and turned into the McNatt Animal Shelter, according to the report from out tipster Amy Poskey. “Poor Patty has a torn ACL and needs a home or a rescue group where she will get the care she needs. She is a very friendly girl with people and also gets along with other dogs. This sweetie is FULLY VETTED, HW NEGATIVE, and weighs 43 pounds.” She’s #69776 and her PetFinder link is HERE. The contacts: [email protected], [email protected], paul.o’[email protected]. Call 940-349-7594.
And that dog is Tinker, a young girl described by the Red Oak Animal Shelter folks as a “Lab/Black Mouth Cur Mix.” The appeal for all the dogs and cats waiting at the Red Oak shelter on the southern side of Dallas reads, “We believe she’s a cute little Labrador/Black Mouth Cur mix sine momma looks like a Labrador Retriever and daddy looked like a Black Mouth Cur.” She and her brother are owner-release.
That cat is Jax, shown here with his twin brother. I’m kidding. He has a toy. Such a tiny cat. How’d he wind up in the shelter? “Found as a stray.”
EMAIL [email protected] or CALL or TEXT 214-949-2726.
The Barkleyworld.com animal advocate Karen Lee reports that the Euless Trinity GAP Rescue folks are taking five of the dogs from the Jacksboro Animal Shelter, where, reportedly, staff changes have sped up the clock. According to the note, there are still “3 puppies, 2 big Pyrenees mix dogs, 4 adult cats and kittens.” The contact person to help get these animals out of the shelter is rescue coordinator Jess Miller at [email protected], 940-229-9208 or at Facebook HERE.
CONTEMPLATIONS: Reading the news, watching TV news, listening to radio news, I’m starting to think that it’s time that someone introduced some “human anti-cruelty” bills into the next session of the Texas Legislature. People -- what a curious species. ... Summer arrives in North Texas. How cool is that. Literally. ... OK, everybody relax. Sage advice.
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