EDITION OF TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017 (PetPowellPress) We're working from out of town with limited time on a borrowed computer, but it's important to know there's a bit of tethering news. I hope this works. Maeleska Fletes asked for the publicity because this is such an important issue.
I hope this reads right and looks OK. If the info is too small. Click on it an it should grow like a hungry puppy.
Also, I am mouse-oriented and this computer has a scratch pad or whatever you call it that is about as precise as my Latin II translations in 1963. "Sic friat crustulum," as Marguerite Hamilton taught us. If I understood correctly, the phrase translates "Thus the cookie crumbles." At any rate, be kind to animals and especially the people who help them. What? A translation?
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