EDITION OF WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2017 (PetPowellPress) -- Isn’t that a photo of a puzzled dog needing a human! Keep reading. First this historic note: Just as the Texas Rangers start to build a domed stadium to protect the team and fans from the Texas heat, the 2017 World Series begins on October 24 in Los Angeles with a 103-degree temp in an outdoor stadium. Heat at 103 is bound to be warping fault lines -- is that how quakes work?
Life gets to be ironic now and then, doesn’t it? Still bums me out that the Rangers aren’t in the Series. But, as is the tradition with Texas Rangers fans, “Wait ‘til next year.”
That dog (above in his Dallas Animal Services photo and in this closeup) has nothing to do with irony or record heat, but that may be a challenging set of ears on that genuine DAS Earhound. He’s an older fellow named Cooper (A1011300) who is waiting for a home at DAS -- visit dallasanimalservices.org or go to the big shelter at Westmoreland and I-30.
In an earlier edition we mentioned this cat Luke, an older fellow who needs a home. Why? Because, his “Foster mom” (she took him in 4 years ago when his original human died suddenly), is facing health issues and needs to find a place for Luke.
Luke is dealing with pancreatitis, our tipster Debbie Dees says, and he’s managing with help from people but he really needs help from a person who’ll be dedicated to putting him on a proper diet and giving him the love an older cat needs.
“He has an exceptionally loving personality,” Debbie says.
To offer to help Luke (in one photo he’s angling for time in his foster’s lap, and in the other he’s just chillin. To offer to help him, and help his foster human, text Debbie at 214-863-8555.
This appeal is making the rounds of Chihuahua people and animal people and people people, too.
Melody Rickets’ note about this pair, Ginger (or Jinjer) and Prince, both around 10, reads, “The reason for my email is I have a friend that is need of some major help - she lives in McAllen and has gotten a new job here in Dallas to be closer to her father who has Alzheimers. She has a 5 fur babies and cannot find any rental property to accept all her babies. With a heavy heart she has to get rid of at least 2 that need to be kept together. ... Both are current on all their shots and are heartworm negative. These 2 stay outside during the day and they are crate-trained. They get along well with others - is there anyone or anything you can do to assist finding these babies a new home together? I have 7 fur babies and cannot take them in and I have used all my contacts by finding homes for other animals -- so, no one I know wants to take in 2 more.”
To help Melody help the dogs and her friend, call 817-781-6861. Note that in that photo on the left, Ginger knows how to cast a tall shadow!
[LARRY ASIDE: We’re at the city limit, so we understand the situation of having filled all the open spaces at the homes of your friends and relatives. Got to be some acquaintances somewhere who need to experience the joy of living with two Chihuahuas -- we lived for years with Rosie and Vera and it was fun every day! We always knew when someone stepped onto our front sidewalk. That’s just one of many plusses to a pair of pint-sized bio-alarms!]
CONTEMPLATIONS: Britain’s Daily Mail has a story about dogs struggling to sleep when their days are disrupted. It’s HERE. We’ve made our own study and, based on the Rottie and the Perky-Eared Mutt who bunk with us, nothing gets in the way of their REM sleep, not even being rolled over so we can have at least a corner of the mattress. ... Isn’t it just a big hard to believe that it’s already October 25? The reindeer and angels are well into elbowing the goblins and jack o’ lanterns off store shelves. Thanksgiving? Third billing once again. ... Here’s a seasonal SONG.