Here’s a truth shared by many people: If we’re reincarnated as a small fluffy dog, we’d like to be fostered by Patty Sprong.
While that first photo is of Lilac royally slumbering on the bed after a little dental work, this photo of Lilac the Pom demonstrates one of the real reasons we’d sign up to be fostered by Patty: Free ice cream! And that’s a dog who knows what an ice cream cone is for!
For this Memorial Day Weekend edition of Let Sleeping Dogs Lie & Napping Cats Nap, we’re focusing on Lilac, Patty’s latest foster from Recyled Pomeranians and Schipperkes Rescue.
[LARRY ASIDE: I’m always happy when I get those two breeds spelled without putting in extra letters. Give me a second to double-check. ... OK. Let’s move on.]
You can see a video of Lilac going to town on that ice cream HERE. She’s officially "Lilac" on the Recycled Poms page HERE but Patty’s shortened it to "Lila." On second thought, watching that ice cream video maybe she ought be “Li-lick.”
This little girl's story has an all-too-frequent tone these days. Eight-year-old Lila, Patty explained, “was surrendered to a shelter, along with about five other Poms, when their owner was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and wasn’t caring for them anymore. They were infested with fleas, barely had any hair, and had nails that were a mile long!”
But, as you can see, “She looks great now!” Patty says.
[LARRY ASIDE: With a little dog this cute, there’s always the possibility that she’ll be adopted as this edition goes to press (to borrow a term from a previous century). Let me assure you that Recycled Poms and Schipperkes has plenty of adorable adoptables waiting for good homes -- I mention this just in case someone adopts Lila and celebrates at Braum’s or Dairy Queen or Sonic before you can get to her.]
Lila is “as sweet and quiet as can be,” Patty says. “She gets along with my small dogs and with my cat. She’s not crazy about walking on a leash, or being in a crate, but she doesn’t need either! She is very loyal and easy going and would do great in a quiet home.”
And in case you wondered, Lila/Lilac is healthy, was born around April 11, 2010, and weighs 73.0 pounds -- hang on, I’ve misplaced that dot. She weighs 7.3 pounds. (That’s a pre-ice cream weigh-in.)
The bottom line on her Recycled Bio is this: “Super sweet little girl with lots of personality. Would make a great lap dog.” Again, here’s the link to the adoption application!
[AH, TO SLEEP, PERCHANCE TO DREAM OF ICE CREAM? Oh, who knows what sleeping dog or napping cats dream of -- send us their photos and we’ll take a guess! The address is [email protected]. They'll headline our weekend edition of Let Sleeping Dogs Lie & Napping Cats Nap. You’ll be helping people understand the value of having a comfortable animal around the house and you’ll be helping insomniacs realize that they, too, can get some sleep if they can just find the right bed or the spot on a couch after enjoying a nice vanilla cone. We insomniacs can dream of calorie-free ice cream, too, you know.]
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