EDITION OF THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2019 [PetPowellPress] It’s too hot to think of something funny that doesn’t involve politics. So, let’s just dive in. Put on your floatation devices. I’m kidding. It’s too hot to float in Dallas.
If the online weather is right, the official temp in Dallas Wednesday was 99. I was out in it driving around — felt a whole lot like a solid 100 — maybe 105 or more — to me.
Around sunrise Wednesday, I was headed to Kiest Park to exercise and saw, in my rearview mirror, the sun coming up over our hilly street in Oak Cliff. Caught in the side mirror, too. And, I said to my car, “Looks like it’s gonna be another scorcher.” The car kicked the AC into maximum and I drove onto the park to walk briskly and sweat brisklier.
This is a health situation with these three dogs.
Ginger Leach of Fort Worth Animal Care & Control posted them on the shelter's Facebook page and even if they’ve been helped by the time you read this, there are other animals in Fort Worth who could use some human support. [LARRY ASIDE: You're not in Fort Worth? Try Dallas. Not in Dallas? Try Irving, Arlington, Denton Grand Prairie, The Colony, Mesquite — you get the drift.]
Ginger posted this story because the whole small family was sick. Her post reads “Reese/Mom 42410336 has an upper respiratory infection and has stopped eating! Started on injectable meds today. She is 3 yrs old, 38 lbs, unaltered, heartworm negative! Ryan/Dad 42410365 also has URI and heavy cough. He is 4 yrs old, 44 lbs, unaltered, heartworm negative! Deacon/baby 42410437 is less than a month old. He also has nasal discharge.”
To offer to help email [email protected]. The shelter i at 4900 Martin St., in southeastern Fort Worth.
This is the honorable rescue bus that has been operate for years by DFW’s Furgotten Friends. And, now, according to the founder and president Stephen Foster, “It's time to say goodbye to the rescue bus. It's transported so many dogs in need. I've got tons of pictures of all the dogs on the bus and have loved every minute of having it. Once I bought the trailer it really became just a tow bus, although a cute thing to see going down the road. With the city now targeting me for parking this thing in the street by my house, I've decided it's time to get a pickup truck to tow the trailer for the rescue. If you know anyone with a good running truck for sale let me know.” You can see the “for sale” note on Craig’s List HERE, And if you want to offer the non-profit a deal on a pickup, get in touch with Stephen.
And, if you click HERE you can go to the adoptable dogs at DFW FurGotten Friends and you’ll see this fantastic Earhound Nash, a Greyhound mix who needs a home. He doesn’t have to ride in the bus. He’ll be happy to ride in your car.
Deborah Lynn Verner, the veteran rescuer and longtime pal of ours, is like the rest of us and wishes these babies had a lot more life to enjoy. She rescued Gretchen 10 years and 2 weeks ago. We have Deborah’s tribute to Gretchen today. Click on our Prayers & Passages link in the upper right corner of this page. On the 19th, Deborah posted this photo and wrote, “Gretchen had a good day yesterday......lots of cheeseburgers.” [LARRY ASIDE: You know what it’s like, Dear Readers, when you just want to make sure a beloved pet has something that signifies happiness.]
The background on Joyce is the nearly-year-old Labby mix is the pup who was named in honor of Joyce McKennedy, the Denton McNatt Animal Shelter volunteer who’d made sure the young girl would get a good deal in Denton.
As our tipster, the veteran monitor of Denton animals Amy Poskey reports, “Miracles still do happen, but not without a lot of blood, sweat, and tears along with lots of prayers! I’m just beyond thrilled to report that our Joyce was adopted on Saturday during Clear the Shelter! I am NOT an advocate for Clear the Shelter at all; however, we had some AWESOME volunteers doing their best to screen potential adopters, as well as filling out questionnaires in an effort to make the adoption process smooth while matching pooches and cats with the right people.
And, since our wonderful volunteer, Joyce McKennedy, was determined to find the perfect match for our sweet pooch, Joyce, we had a happy ending! Now that calls for a WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO and a HUGE THANK YOU to Joyce McKennedy!!! And, THANK YOU, to the shelter staff for giving Joyce time to find the perfect home!”
Does Denton still have other dogs and cats available for adoption? That Earhound is Aries (83632), 2- to 5-years-old. And that cat is 83959, maybe 6 months old, and currently known as “Dill Pickels.” [LARRY ASIDE: First time in all our years of animal reporting that we’ve encountered a cat named Dill Pickels, the shelter spelling for Pickles.]
I’m out of musings tonight as I write this. Though I can always dredge up a disappointment in the Texas Rangers — that’s been a habit for as long as the Rangers have existed, playing their first season in 1972 in the old converted AA facility, Arlington Stadium. That's the team's first logo. This year's team has its moments — like a roller coaster ride. Ups, downs and screaming. … About the XFL franchise name. The Dallas Renegades. Makes no sense. Here was the XFL’s official tweet text: “Deep in the heart of Texas beats a different kind of pulse. A swagger that can’t be denied. This is hell on wheels, between hash marks. Raising hell February 2020: The Dallas Renegades.” There’s a longer version on the XFL site that includes the line
“Where big meets bold meets badass.” OK, (a) they won’t play in Dallas unless they get thrown out of Arlington and (b) Renegades? No offense to Bikers, but that sounds more like a road-strong Biker gang than a football team. … I thought the attempts to select the actual presidential candidates were going to be the oddest thing I’d see in 2019. Though “Where big meet bold meets badass” might work as a presidential election bumper sticker.
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