EDITION OF FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2019 [PetPowellPress] Halloween is over except for the candy. So here we are. In November. It is my favorite month. May have some winter, may have some autumn, may have some summer. Pretty sure it won’t have any spring though there could be thunderstorms. It’s got remnants of Halloween, the American Holiday Thanksgiving with parades and the arrival of Christmas decorations. (We’ll get to the November quote from Three Days of the Condor later.)
On November 1 here is a truth: I should never be left alone with a bag of Halloween candy. Oh, my, the sugar rush! Oh, my. Speaking of a sugar rush. Look at that cat! You’d think that would be enough sweetness for one day.
That is my longtime little girl Deputy Chief Kittie Leigh Johnson who, as I was typing this, jumped into my lap, crawled into my arms and waited to be adored. She didn’t wait long.
It’s a privilege to be loved by a cat; an honor to love a cat. Raised her from a little grey, cross-eyed front porch feral kitten. I recommend adopting a kitten and taking a time out from your busy day to engage the cat in conversation. Pick a topic, then launch into the intellectual exercise. Kittie Leigh’s current favorite topic is “How will falling back at 2 a.m. Sunday affect the feeding schedule for cats in American homes?”
There’s a headline loaded with truth. You wouldn’t think this photo would introduce an “upbeat’ situation. But, if you keep up with Stephen Foster and the DFW Furgotten Friends you are going to run into an upbeat story. Here’s the Facebook LINK.
That is a photo of a dog then known as “Baby Blue’ and now known as Dwight. On the last day of September, Stephen posted a note about picking up a “special pup” from the Lancaster Animal Shelter. He wasn’t feeling too sporty when he wrote, “No matter how sick I am I have to suck it up to save another puppy that couldn't speak for themselves. From my house in Dallas to this puppy in Lancaster and back to my vet might be long but I'll bet this boy will never forget our trip and love me for life. They do understand when you save them. By the way. Does anyone want to foster?”
Well, someone did. Magdalena Bonnelly of the noted JP Bonnelly rescue family.The second photo is a picture of Magdalena transferring the little guy.
As October was drawing to a close, Stephen posted new photos and a story. He wrote, “This is what one month of good food, medication, supplements and a lot of love can do. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting this baby boy. Especially Magdalena Bonnelly who lets him sleep across her neck or on top of her head every night.”
JP and Magdalena had picked up “our foster boy to nurse him back to health,” she wrote. And she said, “During the ride to Allen, I could feel the stages of his emotions - from fear and anxiety, to finally relaxing and at the end giving me little kisses and trying to wrestle the seat belt. … In no time, he will grow his hair back but to me he already is beautiful.”
And, on the left, you see his fabulous post-treatment face. Hallapuppyluyah!
[LARRY ASIDE: Someone is going to get to adopt a dog who understands what it is to be loved and cared for — he has seen what it’s like when nobody cares. And that makes me feel good today. A dog has beaten the odds in the battle against the “Don’t Care/So What” faction of heartless people.]
Oh, this one makes me feel good, too. The great Karen Lee of barkleyworld.com sent a note with the subject line “Happy Howl-O-Ween from Barkley- world!!” And the featured model in this Halloween note was this girl Zuri. The photo cried out for an explanation so I asked Karen, “What’s the story on this dog?”
Here’s the answer and it involves good hearts we periodicallyw rite about, Trinity GAP Rescue and Euless Animal Control.
Karen wrote, “We adopted Zuri thru Trinity GAP Rescue on Valentine’s Day in 2018. She was picked up by Euless Animal Control from a home with too many dogs---the other dogs were Shih Tzus and were rescued by a Shih Tzu rescue but she was left behind because she is a Pug/Chi mix. She was so scared in the shelter and cowered and barked all the time. GAP took her and placed her in boarding and Steffenie Vela [GAP’s guiding light] convinced me that she was the dog for me! And she was right! She is about 7 years old and is adorable!”
Hard to believe, but Bond, James Bond, has been in the Mesquite Animal Shelter since July and hasn’t had a nibble. He’s #42099196. He’s nearly 3 years old. And he’s a black and white cat which, based on our experience at readlarrypowell.com, means he is entertainingly zany. I’m pretty sure he didn’t scribble on the walls in this photo. See Mesquite’s adorable adoptable by clicking HERE and you can also see how to adopt them.
A story from the Texas Tribune explains how police dogs and others will be protected, I.e., not sold or euthanized, by a victory at the polls by Proposition 10 in the Nov. 5 election. We’re thinking this is an
unusually kind effort by the State of Texas and it’s about time. Read HERE.… Speaking of kind, New York City is banning foie-gras, among the cruelest dishes a human can order off a menu. Thanks to New York City Council member Carlina Rivera, “force-feeding geese” to fatten their livers is about to be illegal as is selling the product. Here’s the CNN STORY.
[LARRY ASIDE: Never had foie-gras; never wanted it. Proud to be a vegetarian.] ….Anybody see that CultureMap Dallas story about the chimpanzee sanctuary, Chimp Haven? Here’s the LINK...
A FINAL CONTEMPLATION for November 1 involves dialogue from the 1975 thriller, Three Days of the Condor. CIA “reader” Joe Turner [Robert Redford] is on the run and takes refuge with a woman named Kathy [Faye Dunaway]. He’s looking at her photographic work on the apartment walls and here’s the scene’s dialogue.
“Turner to Kathy: You're funny. You take pictures of empty streets and trees with no leaves on them.
Kathy: It's winter.
Turner: Not quite winter. They look like November. Not autumn, not winter. In-between. I like them.”
A favorite movie, favorite month — November. It’s a month for Thanksgiving and pie. Oh, no. I’m backsliding from my vow to eat healthy! Is there a “healthy pie” for a post-middle-aged man who hates exercise and loves pastry?
—- Offer pie recipes or diet tips by clicking on ‘comment’ below or emailing [email protected]. —-