Can home look like this? Relaxed pup curled up in a round bed?
Sure might. Depends on the heart of the human, right?
Shape of the bed may not matter, but it might. Some dogs are picky!
For this edition of readlarrypowell. com we take a look at a rescuer's foster who clearly knows how to curl up and snooze -- after a get-acquainted spell.
That's Lola.
And we're spotlighting her in our long-running weekend feature, "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie & Napping Cats Nap" because, well, she absolutely qualifies.
Lola is a DFW Furgotten Friends rescue currently in the care of veteran rescuer/foster/advocate and all-round swell person Maeleska Fletes.
[LARRY ASIDE: My animalnutspouse Martha and I have fostered a few dogs and cats though the years -- OK, more than few. Anyway, one of the great moments is when the dog or cat realizes it's in a safe place and relaxes. The once-wary animal nods off in a loving blanket of trust and affection. Might be on a couch or a lap. It's a matter of trust. That's what you see when you look at Lola curled up and snoozing. She has a story.]
Maeleska says that Lola "is about 5 months old. She is a happy, playful girl that needs a home. She’s working on housebreaking and loves to snuggle under the covers at night. I would call her a perfect Heinz 57. Look at those long legs!"
What of Lola's past? Maeleska explained, "Lola was one of eight puppies that a family had. It started with one dog and in two years they had 13 dogs. That’s what happens when you don’t Spay/Neuter. We took all the puppies because the adults were behavior problems. We got everybody spayed, and neutered!. Lola is up for adoption through DFW Furgotten Friends. She is high energy, happy, sweet and has fun with my pack."
Now, Dear Readers, Maeleska ended her note about Lola with one very foster-family-oriented sentence. It was brief but powerful when Maeleska closed that note about Lola:
"She loved Tommy."
It's important. "She loved Tommy."
That is Tommy.
Maeleska, who also loved this dear dog Tommy, posted Tommy's photo in mid-February when the handsome fellow went over that "Rainbow Bridge."
She wrote, "Well, he's gone at 14 years young. He was such a wonderful Pitopotomus!! It's been 12 years. JP Bonnelly (noted rescuer/photographer) caught him on February 12, 2012. He was a mess but became a happy fellow. He is back with his hero, Charlie Brown, his girlfriend Trixie and his pack Holly, Stella and Sadie. Only two left of my original pack."
In her heartwarming farewell to Tommy, soft-hearted Maeleska signed off with a very clear "BLEEP cancer."
Bless Tommy. And bless Lola, too. And may the bright minds of our planet quickly triumph in the many worlds of life-saving research.
Bless the hearts of fosters and rescuers and the animals they're helping and, yes, keep 'em all strong.
To ask about auditioning to adopt Lola, call DFW's Furgotten Friends at 214-970-2247 or email [email protected]. The non-profit has been saving animals since 2012.
[DEAR READERS: Tell us about your slumbering animals send their stories and their photos to [email protected]. We'll celebrate the dogs and cats and other animals and the humans, too. in Let Sleepng Dogs Lie & Napping Cats Nap. understands the love humans can have for animals and that animals can -- against great odds -- have for humans. But, you know, bless all the dogs and cats and most of the humans we encounter. Oh, Dear Readers, I'm sure you have an "iffy" list, too. when it comes to our species.]