EDITION OF FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2024 [PetPowellPress] It’s a spring weekend, so we can figure that there’ll plenty of animal adoption opportunities throughout the metrosprawl. No kiddin', right?
Thus, we’ll dedicate this edition to the people who save animals by finding new, loving homes for them.
Been going on a longtime in Dallas/Fort Worth. Supply of critters not only never runs out but never even runs low.
Mercifully, you animal people continue to work for the dogs and cats and other animals you love. It’s Good Friday, so we’ll just ask, “God, bless the animal nuts.” Don’t worry, folks, He knows who you are. After all, all dogs and cats go BACK to Heaven.
You remember this little guy Mooney, of course. Tough beginning and while he was sick with several ailments he was offered up as a free puppy on a neighborhood sit. Fortunately, veteran rescuer and animal advocate Kimberly Jones managed to take him out of the hands of disaster and get
him into the arms of an experienced animal caregiver, i.e., her own self!
That saved the guys life and, with the help of gofundme donations, got the ultra-cute Mooney into a solid recovered and repair medical system.
So, what’s the deal with that mugshot of Mooney on the bed? Kimberly sent this note with photos on Thursday: “He lost another baby tooth this morning!”
Apparently, he’s right on a healthy schedule now with his puppyhood.
Then, on Friday morning, Kimberly sent a video of Mooney romping with his big ol’ pal Apache The Dog. To see that entertaining video click on THIS LINK.
You can stay caught up with this beats-the-odds dog Mooney by clicking onto his gofund.me site HERE and reading Kimberley’s updates on the little guy’s progress through puppyhood.. He’s a bit of a miracle dog — thanks to the determination of a the veteran dog rescuer who knows what it takes to beat the odds in the dog and cat world.
That photo on the left shows the little guy back in February. The romping video from yesterday may make you smile or inspire some tears of joy for the little guy.
A couple of weeks ago we wrote about an four-dog rescue attempt — they’d been dumped somewhere along the side of big highway and were in danger.
We learned of this rescue attempt from the leading animal rescuer in way-out-west Oklahoma, our longtime tipster Terry Lynn Fisher of Burns Flat. [LARRY DIRECTIONS NOTE: The little town of Burns Flat is about 2 hours and 20 minutes north of Wichita Falls, Texas, and if you turn left at Burns Flat, you’re just over mile from the Texas Panhandle at Shamrock. If I read the map correctly. Sign me, Lost in Space Larry.]
Earlier in the week, we got a note from Terry Lynn with the latest on this rescue attempt. We knew already, thanks to Terry Lynn, that two of the four big ol’ pups had been captures. She reports now:
“There have not been any updates lately, because for the last week, there’s been no sightings of the two remaining Puppies
“However [a week or so ago], a friend called me and told me that she seen one of them on the north side of the interstate instead of the south side, and then it was limping very bad.
“We’ve been going up back-and-forth looking for it, but never saw it. The Sheriff Department called today and said they just received a 911 call from somebody that they saw a little puppy up there that look like it had a broken leg.
“We had it straight up there, and sure enough there it was. It’s not looking good y’all, I can tell it’s really hungry, and it’s not even using that bag leg, it just dangles.
“The other one, which makes me fearful that someone or something either killed it and injured this one or the other one is trapped somewhere and can’t get out. I just pray it’s not laying somewhere suffering. The location that they’re at now there’s heavily wooded area and it’ll be kind of hard to get in there to check, but we will.
“Are heading up right now to move the traps to that side of the interstate so hopefully, we can get them safe. Please send good vibes, this is really taking a toll on me and breaking my heart.”
If you can help Terry Lynn or want to offer words of support, email her at [email protected].
[DEAR READERS: We’ll let you know as soon as we hear from Terry Lynn. She’s a busy rescuer — and the challenges can be dreadfully tough. It takes a tough person to handle the mission. — Larry.]
I have the TV on a lot in the morning — tuning out the shows but the commercials penetrate the most resilient brains and I wasn’t issued one of those. When I was growing up the biggest threats on TV were cured by Alka-Seltzer, toothpaste, Bayer Aspirin, Excedrin, "Monkey Blood and Band-Aids. Now, in today's overwhelming world, the challenges are body smells, assorted medical problems that hadn’t been discovered as profit-centers in the ‘50s and ‘60s. You can hardly watch TV at all without encountering a medical concern that’ll keep you awake nights. Fortunately, these are answers to a challenge, not just announcements that “YOU MAY HAVE BIG MOUTH BASS BREATH SYNDROME” or “TEXAS SNOW RESORT INVESTMENTS FEVER” — you buy the stock online, but you also get a medical number that hooks you up to a Google link to a “certified consultant” with a cure for what’s called “Lost Cash Anxiety.” …
I need to turn the TV off and ask Alexa to play some Willie Nelson songs. Pancho & Lefty, perhaps. That uplifting number by The Highwaymen named “The Highwayman.” Sometimes my fave Willie recording of The Rainbow Connection…Begins: “Why Are There So Many, Songs About Rainbows.” You kids probably know the origin. It’s from YOUR childhood, not mine. Right, Kermit? FYI, kids. Kermit the Frog was created in 1955 -- heck, still just a tadpole.